It seems to me that, these days, I rarely give a book a five star rating. This is beginning to worry me. What happened? Can’t I find good books any more? Have I become more critical/demanding/harder to please with age? What’s going on here?
I have no idea. However, this led me to wonder what, exactly, is a “perfect book” for me. What is it that I want? Let's see.
A good
story. I don't think that one needs an explanation, but I'm very open about this one and like all sorts of plots. As long as something does happen. And that something is interesting.
characters. Relatable, real, with strengths and weaknesses,
characters to root for, etc. etc. – you know how it goes. That’s
what readers want; characters are who they connect with. And the best
books... the best books make me fall in love with their characters!
Mmm, nothing like a good literary crush! ;)
This is simple. A book can be entertaining, but if it fails to
make me feel, I can’t rate it among the best. Make me laugh, make
me cry, make me grip the book in fear... The really good ones, of
course, cause a wide variety of different feelings. The best ones have
made me laugh and cry within a single paragraph. Some have made me put the book down and
pace around in agony because it’s too much, I can’t take
it any more!!!
Food for thought. It doesn’t have to be extremely profound or philosophical and deep, but I like it when a book gives me something to think about. Questions, ideas, a whole new perspective into things – it doesn’t really matter what; sometimes it's enough to find myself thinking about the book while, say, doing the laundry.
Beautiful writing. I know. It shouldn’t matter so much. But I can’t help it. It’s the word wrestler in me. It can’t resist evocative language, words that flow like music, phrases that are so beautiful or poignant that I have to read them again and again just to savour them. A skilful use of words alone doesn’t make a book great. However, even if everything else falls into place but the writing is flat, I can’t consider it a perfect book.
Genre? That's fairly irrelevant to me. "Fairly", because historical fiction gets extra points. ;)
How often do you see all these points come together
in one book? Rarely? Hardly ever? Should I be
less demanding? After all, it would take something close to
superhuman skills to pull it off. Yet I’ve seen it done. Some books
just are that good.
So... what do you want from a perfect book?
So... what do you want from a perfect book?
(The books in the picture aren't actually my favourite books - except maybe "The Shadow of the Wind", which is awesome; a book about books! - I just put them there because they look pretty. :) )