Friday, 2 April 2021

Self-imposed isolation, day 19

What was it I said in my previous post about not much happening to one in isolation? I’ll take that back.

When you live like a hermit, you look like a hermit. I haven’t much looked in the mirror in nearly three weeks. Nor should I, for one glance was quite horrifying. Mostly I’ve grown hairier. No moustache or beard yet, which is too bad – stroking your beard while looking all mysterious/devious/contemplative looks like so much fun, at least judging from how much my DH likes to engage in such behaviour. I am on my way to an impressive unibrow though! And while I never brush or comb my hair – simply running my fingers through it is sufficient – maybe I should do something about it before next I venture out, or the birds will mistake it for their nest.

I will not post pictures. Well, maybe something much cuter and even somewhat furrier.


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