Monday, 12 April 2021

Self-imposed isolation, day 29

Nothing very interesting going on today, so another ”note to self”. This is just a recipe for a salad I made yesterday – I saw a picture somewhere, though no recipe, so I made my own version. It is extremely simple and you can adjust the amount of each ingredient according to your own preferences:

- avocado

- orange

- feta cheese

- cashew nuts

This is a photo of the portion I packed for my DH and DD. I didn’t mix the ingredients as they might go mushy, so it doesn’t look very interesting here (most of the orange pieces hiding under the other stuff 😄) – but I really liked this combination of flavours and textures! Sweet and salty, soft and crunchy… Hm, toasting the cashwes might be worth a try!


  1. That sounds delicious - and fairly easy.
    I'll be sure to try that at some point. (I just have to remember it... )
    Hugs, Kathy

    1. Thanks! :) Yes, that's the thing... I keep seeing these interesting recipes online, but when it's time to cook, my mind goes blank. I know I saw something I wanted to try somewhere, but what was it and where? And even if I do remember, I don't have the ingredients I need. But this time, I had actually managed to plan ahead and order all the ingredients! :)
